Before you assume, try this method called 'Asking"

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dental student. First semester. Mahsa University

Well, I thought maybe some STPM or A Level or foundation or any of it's equivalent students are still wondering what is it like to be a dental student, especially a dental student here in Malaysia's IPTS(Mahsa University). First of all, I might as well introduce my dental faculty. Right now, our faculty is located at Pusat Bandar Damansar(PBD) but we are going to move to Saujana Putra soon. Here, most of the dental lecturers are from other countries but nevertheless, qualified lecturers.

In my first semester, I have to take 4 subjects; Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and Dental Anatomy but there are also other dental subjects such as Dental Public Health and Prosthodontics that were taught during our first year because the subjects are too broad to be covered in just one year.

The lectures are given quite as expected, almost similar to A level only with more students but the most significant difference is the amount of histo labs(anatomy and dental anatomy) and also all the exciting(except prostho) labs. I have done some wax carving classes(I'm an artisan! lol), some simulation lab for conservatives and impression making for prosthetics(not fun). Oh! Did I mention that I'm an artist too? (LOL) I've been drawing and colouring all those histo slides like there's no tomorrow.(Ok, a bit exeggeration there) For the medical part, physiology is the most exciting with ECG and blood pressure practicals. Anatomy as expected, lots of remembering weird names.

A tooth out of wax!

Draw and draw and draw and draw.
And after all these fun, of course, my sem one examination. Wish me luck!
Till then. :)