Before you assume, try this method called 'Asking"

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Viva voce

I'm writing so I dont forget. I tend to delete memories of my pasts so here I am trying to make them permanent. Viva voce. I'm not sure what language is that or whether it is correctly used at my place but it is there when students have to answer questions from lecturers in a face to face manner.

After my first written professional examination, I and few others were invited to this viva voce, viva for short. When I received the email, I had cold feet. One written examination is enough, I dont want to answer another sets of questions, not to mention having to answer them FACE TO FACE with my lecturers. There are lots of things I don't remember and much more things that I don't know, how am I supposed to not embarrass myself and the lecturer who taught me.

Nevertheless, I went for the anatomy's viva.  I had some revisions done, but nothing much because you see, the exam was just over, who would have the momentum to start again when you've just finished one. Inertia... remember?
I was the fifth to be called in, and I don't really have fonds memory of interviews(hint:usm dental interview). Of course I was nervous as hell. We can't talk with the person before us so I don't have a clue what was happening inside the viva's room. We were made to wait in another room along with some other year twos.

So after about an hour, my name, uh no my number was called in. I went to the room(upstair). And....

There were four of them(the lecturers) waiting in the room. The head department of anatomy, my antomy lecturer, year one coordinator and the external examiner. Imagine yourself in a meeting room with the curve table like you see in the parliament except much smaller and only one level. Two of them on right and the others another on left. I sat in the middle where the speaker would sit and in front of me there are few models.  The next 20 minutes was the longest day of my life.

I was asked what seems to me like thousands of questions of head and neck anatomy. Something like questions of the subclavian triangle which I never cared about before and trace the course of taste fibers from tongue upward. I realised now, how 'not-that-complicated' those questions are but having to recall them when 4 other people are staring at you was quite intense. Worse when my brain stabbed me in the back and ran away with all the answers(drama yeah!). So after 20 forever minutes, it was done. Each lecturer except my year one coordinator asked a set of questions of their designated area of the head and neck anatomy. They were not that scary, only intimidating and for some questions, they even tried to give clues for the answers. It was the settings that gave me cold sweat.

Anatomy's viva was on wednesday and dental anatomy's on friday. Dental anatomy's viva was different. It was less complicated I guess. There were 10 questions if I remember it right. There are few terms and some teeth morphology but that was it. Only took about 10 minutes and only one lecturer in the room. The 10 minutes wasnt the longest 10 minutes of my life but Im glad it was over.

Afterwards, my friends and I went skating. So, all was well.
P/s: please ignore grammars. I have not write in ages.

Till then.

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